Energy Company – Off-Lease Oil Spill

Response client since 2016.


Energy Co.* is a long-standing company focused on oil production within Western Canada.With operations all over north, central and southern Alberta, as well as southern Saskatchewan, it is crucial that Energy Co.* has a viable way to communicate company wide.

Client Challenge

A field operator/pumper of Energy Co.* discovered an off-lease pipeline release, posing a danger to field personnel and nearby stakeholders in the area. A similar situation presented itself a mere week later. In both situations, it was vital that Energy Co.* personnel be able to communicate and document as the crisis was handled. 

The Response Approach

With the Response mobile application, Energy Co.* personnel used a secure text group to provide details to necessary field and corporate staff. Workers shared information regarding location of the release, production and incident information, as well as protocol for eliminating the danger. 

During both emergencies, personnel accessed their company ERP and assessment matrix, used photo evidence as the situations progressed and ensured due diligence through record-keeping on the app. Not only could Energy Co.* personnel discuss amongst themselves as needed, but they were also able to use the app to contact important third parties such as the regulatory authority.


  • 1700 messages and photos exchanged
  • 200 users on the app
  • Many reportable incidents + operational sitrep communication

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